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New release: Welcome Appmixer 5.0 on stage

Introducing Appmixer 5.0

Summer brings many good things. For us, one of them is the new version of Appmixer 5.0, which helps us take the next step towards becoming a flexible embedded iPaaS solution that answers hundreds of usage requirements for various software companies.

Integrations are a must-have feature for software vendors today. That's why we focused on improving the integration wizards, making them more flexible in terms of their design and other technical aspects. This makes Appmixer a great solution for companies that want to implement native integration features while investing very little in research and development.

More powerful and flexible wizards are just part of what 5.0 brings. Let's go through all the highlights.

Key highlights


  • The Wizard configuration now offers enhanced flexibility, allowing the inclusion of custom fields, text and image sections, as well as support for multiple accounts.
  • Authentication to components has been improved to request only the necessary scopes from users, ensuring a streamlined and efficient process.
  • Connectors now feature support for a Custom Connect Account button, such as the "Google Branded Sign-in" button in Google connectors.
  • Introducing new modifiers including To Pairs, Keys, Values, Set, JSONata, and Parse, expanding the range of capabilities and options available.
  • Authentication dialogs (Appmixer built-in ones, used e.g. for API key-based authentication), can now be customized using custom HTML, enabling a personalized and tailored experience.
  • The Backoffice has undergone improvements, making it easier to access end-user flows and logs for simpler customer support. Additionally, insights now allow the display of overall telemetry data per custom period, while sections have been unified for a better user experience.
  • More about the UI/SDK update can be found in our official release notes.


  • The Component output definition now supports JSON schema, which enables the Appmixer variables picker UI to present variables, even for complex objects and array items.
  • Introducing the Data Store Download REST API and the accompanying component, which allow for JSON and CSV export of Data stores.
  • Read more in our official release notes.


  • GET /auth/flow/{flowId} response object structure has changed.
  • The GET /flows and GET /flows/count pattern option searches through flowId as well now.
  • Read more in our official release notes.


Thanks to a recent update, we are shipping the new connectors independently of Appmixer versions. This approach allows us and you to deliver new integrations quickly and with less worry. With that in mind, let's go through all the connectors we've released since the last major update (version 4.5).


Incorporate integration with a leading project management tool into your product.

  • ‍Triggers: NewItem, DeletedItem, ArchivedItem‍
  • Actions: RunQuery, ListWorkspaces, ListTeams, ListGroups, ListColumns, ListBoards, GetUser, GetItem, FindItems, DeleteItem, DeleteBoard, CreateItem, CreateBoard, ArchiveBoard
  • Read more about this connector


Integrate natively with this cloud-based “data-as-a-service” platform.


Take advantage of a set of triggers and actions for a famous developer data platform.


Introducing a set of triggers and actions for this virtual learning environment. Made for schools and businesses that enables its users to create, manage, and share assignments and resources.

  • Actions: ListGradingScales, ListCourses, ListSections, ListGradingPeriods, ListGradingGroups, ListGradingCategories, CreateAssignment
  • Read more about this connector


Like Schoology, Blackboard is a learning management system that allows integration with student information systems and authentication protocols. Check out its triggers and actions in Backoffice.

Free Forex API

Releasing a new connector to get the current exchange rate for a currency pair.

VAT Comply

Verify the validity of a VAT number issued by any EU Member State / Northern Ireland.


For more details and technical info, please visit

Ready to roll our your sleeves and deploy native integration and automation features in a matter of days? Start a free trial  and augment your product with Appmixer capabilities.


Blog post author
Marek Hozak
Marketing guy, father, and sports fanatic who loves to learn about new technologies.
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